Northwest (Area 12)

Jismi Joseph

I never feel that i am working, I need to help people to live a better life. So no stress or tension. I feel that a usual day in another home.
Northwest (Area 12)

Sarah Murphy

Paperwork, client meetings, court proceeding, team meetings and lots of travel to remote communities.
Northwest (Area 12)

Shelley Gladstone

administrative work the first hour (email, phone calls, report writing); assisting with cultural/safety plans; attending home visits with MCFD; coordinating services with other service providers who have common mandates & maybe like clients' challenges and speaking with workers who arrange these or need assistance with agenda, action items from attending monthly meetings that is beneficial to my work (3 committees); keeping off island social workers aware of cultural events and family histories of families they work with; admin support (no one at front desk to answer calls or receive faxes, etc); assist executive director with information and other support when required; case management meetings with MCFD and other support service agencies when required;
Northwest (Area 12)

Anne Falvo

8 -9 am arrive at office, check voicemails and emails, colleague debrief, prep for meetings, training or groups 9 - 11:30 child care center visits - observations of children or provide groups on music & movement/ literacy /or speech development group or parent caregiver meeting, or work directly with caseload child / support worker training and mentoring or 9 - 11:30 - community consultation at Strong Start or HUB parent child drop in programs- provide infant massage instruction, parent and child music and movement, information about community resources, consultation to families not registered in child care settings, observations of children or 9 - 11:30 community professional meetings - early years table, therapists meetings, join families at therapy sessions to reduce number of appointments during the day or 9 - 11:30 home visits 11:30 - 12 return signed docs to office and check emails and return phone calls or meetings with parents at preschool pick up and drop off, support worker debriefing and planning 1 - 3:30 center visits, community visits, home visits, community training, 3:30 - 4:30 - team meetings
Northwest (Area 12)

Sheri Pringle

Meeting lots of people, talking about gambling, giving presentations.
Northwest (Area 12)

Dorothy Bartsoff

Northwest (Area 12)

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